MISSION STATEMENT:  In harmony, the Harvest Choir finds purpose. With faith, we raise our voices. With love, we touch hearts. We stand together as a testament to the power of God, and His anointing.  The sound of gospel music elevates, transforms, and unites the hearts of men. As we blend our voices in celestial unity, we embark on a journey that transcends the temporal, carrying the timeless message of gospel music into the hearts of all who listen.

In every note, every lyric, and every performance, we honor the traditions of the past while embracing the limitless possibilities of the future. Our commitment to musical excellence, inclusivity, and service fuels our shared mission, propelling us forward to inspire, uplift, and leave an enduring legacy.

With gratitude for the divine gift of music, and with a heart full of anticipation, we continue to create, to connect, and to cherish the harmonizing of souls on this sacred path. Together, we reach higher, touch the heavens, and etch the melodies of hope onto the fabric of existence. 

As we gather, rehearse, and perform, we recognize that our mission is not solely of our own making. The Anointing has woven its sacred thread through our journey, blessing us with the ability to channel the very essence of God's love and grace. With voices raised in harmony, we honor the past, celebrate the present, and step boldly into the future, ever mindful of the Anointing that empowers us.

Psalm 100: 1-3: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.  Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.  Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.